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2nd European Conference on Games Based Learning [1]

The European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECCBL 2008) invites researchers, academics and professionals from games and education to come together to listen, discuss and present their research, points of views and knowledge.

This is the 2nd year of the conference and it will be hosted by The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) [2] in Barcelona and held in the Hotel Silken Diagonal Barcelona. The city is renowned as one of the most important cultural and administrative centres in Spain. The Univesitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia) is an online, on-the-Web university, a pioneer both for its innovative pedagogical model and for the quality of its learning processes. The UOC's educational model uses information and communications technologies intensively, based on a virtual environment that stresses communication and relationships between individuals.

Estrechar la brecha digital. Talleres para trabajar los videojuegos en familia y en la escuela

La Experiencia de Drac Mágic y la Secretaria de de Polítiques Familiars i Drets de Ciutadania de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Publicado en Aula de Innovación Educativa. Editorial Graó, Noviembre de 2008

SPIDER ha elaborado, junto a la cooperativa de medios audiovisuales Drac Màgic [3], unos talleres destinados a les familias y financiados por la Secretaria de Polítiques Familiars i Drets de Ciutadania de la Generalitat de Catalunya [4] , con los que pretendemos promover un uso responsable y un conocimiento más completo de la complejidad de un fenómeno cultural como el de los videojuegos.