De OciDigital
- Web 2.0,,
- ¿Qué es la web 2.0?
- Digital Youth Research. Kid’s Informal learning with digital Media
- MacArthur Foundation
- Projecte: Digital Media and Learning
- The Mit Press – MacArthur. Llibres a text complert: Series on Digital Media and Learning
- PODCAST: How is digital media changing kids and learning? Cambridge, MA, December 12, 2007 (time: 1:33:59)
- Rheingold, H. Multitudes inteligentes. La próxima revolución social (Smart Mobs). Barcelona: Gedisa, 2004.
- Smart Mobs:
- Twitter: rheingold
- Social Media classroom Project
- Participatory Media Literacy
- “What Would Herman Melville Say to Soulja Boy?: Remix Culture and the New Media”. 2008 NMC Summer Conference at Princeton University. Sparking innovative learning & creativity. Video[1]
- Constance Steinkuehler, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
- Massively Multiplayer Online Games as an Educational Ethnology: An Outline for Research
- Virtual worlds, learning and the new cosmopolitan
- Web personal: i
- Marc Prensky
- Prensky, M. Digital Game-Based Learning. Nova York: Parangon House, 2007.
- Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (I),%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf
- Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (II),%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part2.pdf
- Digial Natives
- Twitter: digitalnatives
- Wiki:
- blog:
- Growing up Digital, John Seely Brown
- Janet Murray (1999). Hamlet en la holocubierta. El futuro de la narrativa en el ciberespacio (pàg. 155-157). Barcelona: Paidós
- Gee, J. P. Lo que nos enseñan los videojuegos sobre el aprendizaje y el alfabetismo. Granada: Ediciones Aljibe, 2004.
- Taylor, T.L. Exploring Online Game Culture. London: The Mit Press, 2006.
- Alan Fine, G. Sharing Fantasy. Role-playing Games as Social worlds. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002.
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- Maczewski, M. Youth as nexus: A networked perspective. Understanding how information and communication technologies matter to youth. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2007.
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- Mominó, J. M. ; Sigalés, C. ; Meneses, J. La escuela en la sociedad red. Internet en la educación primaria y secundaria. Barcelona: Ariel, 2008.
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